Virtual Tours of DSJ

Virtual Tours of DSJ

We understand that it is not always possible to attend our open days so we have prepared several virtual tours of our facilities so that you can better understand the DSJ. Click on the image below to open the 3D virtual tour. 

Regenbogen-Kids at DSJ virtual tours of DSJ
Grundschule Primary School at DSJ virtual tours of DSJ
Primary School
Sekundarstufe-Secondary-School- at the DSJ virtual tours of DSJ
Secondary School
DSJ Cafe
Lernzentrum-Learning-Centre at DSJ
Learning Centre
Swimming pool
Turnhalle-Sports-Hall- at the DSJ
Sports Hall
DSJ value statement explainer image for multilingualism strengthens cultural competencies
DSJ Explainer image for values statement holistic approach social responsibility
DSJ Image explaining values statement for we embrace today and master tomorrow
Academic Excellence - global recognition image explaining what it means for the DSJ - Popup-captions-600X340px-1