English Medium High School (Grade 8)

English Medium High School (Grade 8)

Since January 2012 the DSJ boasts an English Medium High School from Grade 8, which is open to English speaking learners.

The newly established stream at the DSJ provides non-German learners with the opportunity to prepare for the National Senior Certificate of the IEB.

German is taught as second foreign language, allowing the graduates from this stream to take up their place in a globalised society. Over 600 German companies are represented in South Africa which enables school leavers from the English Medium High School to expand their career possibilities.

The multilingual aspect also opens the doors to other cultures and nationalities. The curriculum and extra-mural activities include everything that is required to shape graduates into well-balanced and future-oriented individuals.

National senior certificate at Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg DSJ
DSJ value statement explainer image for multilingualism strengthens cultural competencies
DSJ Explainer image for values statement holistic approach social responsibility
DSJ Image explaining values statement for we embrace today and master tomorrow
Academic Excellence - global recognition image explaining what it means for the DSJ - Popup-captions-600X340px-1