News & Article

Christopher Kock former headboy of DSJ

Christopher Kock

Unser ehemaliger Headboy 2023, Christopher Kock, ist der erste Schüler der DSJ, der bei unserem neuen Kooperationspartner der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf ein duales Studium beginnt.

Christopher Kock former headboy of DSJ

Christopher Kock

Our former Headboy 2023, Christopher Kock, is the first DSJ student to start a dual study programme with our new cooperation partner, the Deggendorf Institute

DSJ value statement explainer image for multilingualism strengthens cultural competencies
DSJ Explainer image for values statement holistic approach social responsibility
DSJ Image explaining values statement for we embrace today and master tomorrow
Academic Excellence - global recognition image explaining what it means for the DSJ - Popup-captions-600X340px-1