News & Article

The Owl Finds The Beat

Die Eule findet den Beat – und wie!

Mit viel Engagement und Leidenschaft hat die Grundschule erstmals ein komplettes Musical im Rahmen des Bunten Abends vorgeführt. Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler standen dazu singen

The Owl Finds The Beat

The Owl Finds The Beat – oh yes!

With a great deal of commitment and passion, the Primary School performed a complete musical for the first time as part of the traditional Music

DSJ value statement explainer image for multilingualism strengthens cultural competencies
DSJ Explainer image for values statement holistic approach social responsibility
DSJ Image explaining values statement for we embrace today and master tomorrow
Academic Excellence - global recognition image explaining what it means for the DSJ - Popup-captions-600X340px-1